Tommy & Desnekka 
Christian Marriage Coaches, Speakers, Kingdom Builders 
Your Marriage Coaches That Have Actually Been Through Hell & Back
Helping You Go From ROOMMATES to TEAMMATES In 8 Weeks Without Counseling Or Therapy. - 98% SUCCESS RATE


For couples we work with! 

Tommy & Desnekka
Christian Marriage Coaches, Speakers, Kingdom Builders 
Your Marriage Coaches That Have Actually Been Through Hell & Back
Helping You Go From ROOMMATES to TEAMMATES In 8 Weeks Without Counseling Or Therapy.


Helping You Go From ROOMMATES to TEAMMATES In 8 Weeks Without Counseling Or Therapy. - 98% SUCCESS RATE


For couples we work with!




500+ marriages saved 

500+ marriages saved 

Want to go from ROOMMATES to TEAMMATES in 8 weeks?
Most couples don't know the right steps...
Ever tried to bake a cake without a recipe? 

Thats how most couples approach their marriage... and end up with a big ball of mush, instead of beautiful 3-tier masterpiece that God made it to be!

We all want healthy happy marriages. But when you don't have the recipe to build the marriage it's easy to get stuck or spin your wheels, doing things that don't work.  

It's time to end the confusion and overwhelm. Click below and we can help you get clarity on the recipe that will work for you.
About us
Tommy & Desnekka 
Christian Marriage Coaches, Speakers, Kingdom Builders
Hey! Tommy and Desnekka here! 

To tell you a little bit about us...

We are the founders of a global online marriage coaching practice and the creators behind the marriage program, Marriage 2.0

We went through everything bad in marriage quadrouple times over... Like we HATED each other to the point of wanting and planning to kill each other... not kidding haha 

We went through.... 

- TRUST ISSUES (on a scale from 1-10. 50 below zero!)

We tried everything out there! We spent over 150k in debt trying everything out... 

𝐖𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞...

- Books like the love dare, love languages, love and respect.
- Tactics like slow to speak and quick to listen.
- We went to a ton of different counselors where we got into our feelings but left with no action steps or even timeline like Groundhog Day! 
- We tried webinars
- 3–4-day intensives
- Went to therapist that most the time tried to diagnose with a disorder like bipolar or narcissist and tried to fix us with a pill.
- Talking to Pastors that should stick to being a pastor. 
- Church Groups (connect groups, marriage classes as church)
- Marriage Retreats
-Marriage Conventions
- Coaching Programs with so called “experts” that promised unicorns and delivered donkeys… a lot of them have been divorced…

However, We learned all those things have 1 thing in common…

They are BAND-AIDS. They give, if any value, little nuggets that slap a band-aid over a gushing, infected wound.

In short, they do not build any real foundations at all and leave you stuck and struggling on an emotional roller coaster with little to no hope left…

Out of this journey God built through us a global marriage coaching empire, dedicated to inspiring and empowering couples and individuals to save their relationships, even when most conventional methods suggested giving up.

Our program, Marriage 2.0, has touched hundreds of lives, offering hope to tens of thousands and leaving a lasting impact on 500+ families across the globe.

As high school sweethearts with 20 years together and 18 of those in marriage, our journey is a testament to God and our process. 

Answering God's calling, we have dedicated our knowledge and personal testimony to guide other couples towards saving their marriages, fostering generational change, and most profoundly, building a devoted community for God's kingdom. 

Building an army for God's kingdom! 

This is not just our passion; it is our mission & calling to leave an indelible mark on the world for God. 

We don't care if we are remembered but want everything to point to God and know that we maxed out our life for Him!

  • ​Christian Marriage Coaches, Speakers, Kingdom Builders
  • ​​Creators of Marriage 2.0 
  •  98% Success Rate & 100% Money Back Guarantee 
Hear From a few of Our Clients

Brook and Daniel 

From not being connected for 30 years to like talking on the phone for 6 hours everyday like a couple of high school kids. To renewing their vows in Vegas!  

Mark and Malory

"Better than my fairytale marriage I wanted."

Matt and Janelle

"Hurricane marriage to a marriage better than it ever was!"

Stephanie & Danny

From a place of defeat, hell on earth, everyone telling them to end it to leading a group at church! 
If you're a COUPLE struggling in marriage're not alone.
The steps seemed so simple.

     1. Fall in love
     2. Follow your heart 
     3. Get married and live happily ever after... get a house, kids ect... 

At least thats what is programed into us as kids and teens... 
But somehow this whole marriage thing hasn’t been all that we thought it would be.

In fact its been a lot of disappointment and maybe even hell on earth! 

I’m supposed to be happy doing what I love with the love of my life but I’m hardly loving this right now.
It’s been years since we got married and this is not what I signed up for....

I’m not afraid to work on things. I know we can do this!
But, we have been doing everything we know how to do, and it's just not working.

Really tired of being tired and this emotional rollercoaster... 

I know we have so much potential! I know we can be happy but I feel like we are spinning our wheels and going in circles.

... What in the heck am I going to do to save this because I don’t want to lose my best friend and the future that we planned... 
What we can be would be so amazing! 
It's just so hard to get this fixed... IDK what to do.. 

I just dont get why we can't fix this... I don't understand what we are missing... 

Why can’t we do this?
What if were just too different?
What if theres just too much pain between us now?
I don't want to loose my family and even hurt my kids in the mix of all this... 
That would kill me. I can't imagine my life without them... 

…I just don’t know if I keep this up. 

Is this track playing on repeat in your head? 
If this is your internal dialogue…
We get it. We have been there.
We tried everything out there! We spent over 150k in debt trying everything out... 

𝐖𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞...

- Books like the love dare, love languages, love and respect.
- Tactics like slow to speak and quick to listen.
- We went to a ton of different counselors where we got into our feelings but left with no action steps or even timeline like Groundhog Day! 
- We tried webinars
- 3–4-day intensives
- Went to therapist that most the time tried to diagnose with a disorder like bipolar or narcissist and tried to fix us with a pill.
- Talking to Pastors that should stick to being a pastor. 
- Church Groups (connect groups, marriage classes as church)
- Marriage Retreats
-Marriage Conventions
- Coaching Programs with so called “experts” that promised unicorns and delivered donkeys… a lot of them have been divorced…

We felt like a failures on so many levels...

But ONE big realization/missing key changed everything...
After spending 150k in debt and arguing on the way home from the last things we tried a 3 day inensive... We had a big realization... 

None of this stuff has worked... 

We learned all those things have 1 thing in common…

They are BAND-AIDS. They give, if any value, little nuggets that slap a band-aid over a gushing, infected wound.

In short, they do not build any real foundations at all and left us stuck and struggling on an emotional roller coaster with little to no hope left…

Why dont we try to build something for us? 

So we took all the knowlege we have acculmlated and years on end of trying to figure it out and build a program on long drive home from the intensive...

It came together like one of those animated puzzles that come together without a person... 

It was like God gave us a direct download and was putting it all together so quick! 

We tried it and the rest is history!

 And that was it we fixed it! 
... a month went by. 
... and another. 
... and another.

We were doing it! We fixed it with God and also a ton of trial and error!  

Getting off the ground is the hardest part… and we had done it!
Now the marriage was taking off better than we ever thought possible! 

And as the marriage grew God asked us to help others... 

I wish I could say we were on board but that would be a lie.... 

We actully both said NO! A BIG NO! 

However we gave in to God and now...

Out of this journey God built through us a global marriage coaching empire, dedicated to inspiring and empowering couples and individuals to save their relationships, even when most conventional methods suggested giving up.

Our program, Marriage 2.0, has touched hundreds of lives, offering hope to tens of thousands and leaving a lasting impact on 500+ families across the globe.

As high school sweethearts with 20 years together and 18 of those in marriage, our journey is a testament to God and our process. 

Answering God's calling, we have dedicated our knowledge and personal testimony to guide other couples towards saving their marriages, fostering generational change, and most profoundly, building a devoted community for God's kingdom. 

Building an army for God's kingdom! 

This is not just our passion; it is our mission & calling to leave an indelible mark on the world for God. 

We don't care if we are remembered but want everything to point to God and know that we maxed out our life for Him!
We finally felt like we were living our purpose. Helping hundreds of people change their lives and we were having a blast doing it!

We literally felt like we were dreaming. Still do! 

But we had learned 1 important thing...
If I had stayed following what the other couples were doing, we would of got the same results they were getting… 
 Stuck on an emotional rollercoaster and minimal improvement... It was so obvious. But we just couldn’t see it then. 

THAT'S why 100% of couples will (a.) end up divorced or (b.) die bitter and old... either way they will 100% fail without the foundations needed...

Not only that but they will pass on their toxic traits, habits and issues to their kids and their kids... 

But we refuse to let that be the story moving forward…

Which is why we built our MARRIAGE 2.0 PROGRAM - the full recipe to go from ROOMMATES to TEAMMATES in 8 weeks without counseling or therapy. (Even if your on the brink of divorce...)

It's the same process that helped us fix our marriage and has helped over 500+ other couples save their marriages. 

We got sick of seeing awesome couples not getting the help they need and it still frustrates us lie crazy!

The MARRIAGE 2.0 program is not the “silver bullet” marketing tactic of the month that only works for 2% of people. It isn’t some band-aid solution that only covers part of whats needed...
Its the full recipe to help COUPLES:
  • Become whole and happy again after affairs.
  • ​​Eliminate the triggers for good!
  • Build rock solid trust in your marriage again.
  • ​Learn how to communicate effectively.
  • ​​Build a deep intimate connection and have your best friend back again
  • ​Get off the emotional roller coaster and become healthy individuals.
  • ​​​Be a team together!
  • ​​Save your marriage even if you spouse doesn't want to. 
... all WITHOUT going to counseling talking about your feelings over and over again without any real action steps all to repeat next time...

or therapy to get pills shoved down your throat to make the real issues... 

The way we implement them is specifically designed to help couples fix there marriage in 8 weeks or 100% on your money back! ( in legal contract) 

The recipe works... but it doesn’t work for everyone. You must be:
      1. Willing to get out of your comfort zone. 
      2. Be an action taker and take fast action. 
      3. Be coachable
But if thats you then the MARRIAGE 2.0 program might be a good fit for you.

And if you want to see if you’d be a good fit, we want to offer you a marriage clarity call with our team.

On the call we would dig into where your marriage is at currently, what you have tried (or haven’t), whats working and whats not, and get clarity around what you would need to focus on to fix your marriage fast.

You can start by booking a time for your marriage below:

These times book up fast so make sure you grab one if something is available.

Talk soon 
Tommy & Desnekka
Because if you don't change... nothing changes.


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